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TEARDROP Mobile Medical Alert

Once you receive your Teardrop,
plug its charging cradle into an outlet.
Place the Teardrop in the cradle with
the SOS help button facing forward.
Ensure your Teardrop is firmly pushed
into the charging cradle to initiate
charging. When charging properly, the
RED light on the cradle will turn on and
the Teardrop will announce “Charging.”
When the Teardrop is fully charged,

the RED light on the cradle will turn off.



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Fast, Reliable Help In Any Emergency

Peace of mind with best in class service and experience!

The all new Stride smartwatch is an affordable yet cutting edge MPERS solution that enables your active customers to confidently engage with their world knowing that assistance is quickly available anywhere in the US.

This next generation wearable device comes with heart rate monitor, step counter, best in class location services, text to locate for caregivers, and of course has call for help functionality.



8:am to 5:pm 

Monday to Friday

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