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Security and Fire Alarms

One of the most important fire protection systems you can install in your metro Washington DC Home or Business is a fire alarm system.

A fire alarm system is a quick-response method of alerting the occupants in your building of a fire so they can get to safety as quickly as possible. Because fire alarm systems are so important when it comes to keeping your building safe, annual fire alarm system inspections are absolutely essential.

Advanced Security Systems offer complete fire alarm system services, including:

*Fire Alarm System Installation

*Fire Alarm System Monitoring

*Fire Alarm System Testing & Maintenance

Schedule a consultation for your fire alarm system services, including installations and inspections by calling us today or filling out our Contact Us email form.

To ensure their reliability, fire alarm systems must be regularly inspected, tested, and maintained. Our company will set up a service program for periodic testing, inspection, and maintenance that conforms to:

  • NFPA code requirements

  • Local authorities having jurisdiction (AHJs)

  • System manufacturer’s recommended inspection and maintenance requirements

  • Required annual fire alarm system testing



8:am to 5:pm 

Monday to Friday

All content owned by Advanced Security Systems, Inc.©2023

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